The witching hour approaches, and the silver screen beckons! Join us at the eerie and enchanting Brewery Arts Center for a night that will send shivers down your spine.
The Screening & Awards Ceremony:
As the moon rises high, we’ll unveil the award-winning masterpieces created by daring filmmakers who had just two weeks to wield a prop, a sound effect, and a line of dialogue. These 5-9 minute short horror films are a testament to creativity born from the darkest corners of imagination.
The Silent Auction:
Our cryptic silent auction beckons, featuring exclusive treasures that will enthrall collectors and thrill-seekers alike. Bid on unique items and support the local filmmaking community as you unearth haunting delights.
The Raffle:
The wheel of fate spins, and luck is on your side. Our raffle holds secrets untold, with a promise to split the pot of prize money!
The Costume Contest:
But beware, mortal souls! The Costume Contest awaits, where your most nightmarish disguises may earn you wickedly coveted titles. Come dressed to impress, and let your inner demons roam free.
When Darkness Falls:
The date is October 14th, 2023, and the doors open at 6:30 PM. When darkness falls, the Brewery Arts Center shall transform into a realm of cinematic enchantment and eerie revelry.
So, heed the call, don your finest costumes, and join us as we raise our goblets to the filmmakers who dared to dance with the unknown. Tickets are limited, and the spirits are restless, so secure your spot in this supernatural soiree now!
Embrace the darkness, for it is in shadows that the most chilling tales come to life.
Reserve Your Seat in the Shadows